WebRTC: New Age Digital Business Solution

Year 2020, The ‘COVID’ year…
Have you noticed the change? Has there been some real change?
Yes, there is a change. Look around some changes
  • Classes are shifted to the laptops rather than classrooms
  • Consultations shifted from clinics to mobile
So what has changed? The biggest change is that the people’s behavior has changed & what changed this behavior


Technology is influencing the way products are build. With innovations& optimizations, technology is becoming consumable by an ordinary individual. Today’s product revolves around 2 things

  1. Technology
  2. Consumer

In this blog, we will try to see technology innovation which drove the change in consumer behavior.


Live video streaming is possible due to the innovation, WebRTC. With Web Real-Time Communication (WebRTC), modern web applications can easily stream audio and video content to millions of people. WebRTC is open source &includes media capture, encoding and decoding audio and video, transportation layer, and session management. Brief description of WebRTC is below

WebRTC Application

  • WebRTC API
  • Media Capture
  • Encoding and decoding Audio & Video
  • Transportation layer
  • Session Management
  1. Media Capture - The first step is to get access to the camera and microphone of the user's device. WebRTC detect the type of devices as well as manage the user permission to access these devices.
  2. Encoding and Decoding Audio and Video - Sending audio/video data over the internet is not easy as well as safe. All the required data needs to be encoded to improve the privacy, security as well as performance. WebRTC uses the CODEC algorithm to split up the video & audio into smaller chunks and compress them. Being outsources, companies can develop different CODEC like H.264, iSAC, Opus and VP8. When two browsers connect together, they choose the most optimal supported codec between two users. WebRTC does most of the encoding behind the scenes.
  3. Transportation Layer - The data packets transportation is managed by the transportation layer. It manages the order of packets as well as manages the packet loss & connection with other users.
  4. Session Management - WebRTC’s signaling module deals with managing, opening and organizing connections. Transfer of audio and video streams is done by the RTCDataChannelAPI.

Today, there are many products build on WebRTC are available. Sharing some of the pointers to help you take the decision

webrtc diff

Selection Advice

As per our experience, we suggest that if one is building a Proof of Concept (PoC) using the WebRTC, then its advisable to use paid products. Once the company scales up, it’s better to move on the open source platform like Blue button or Jitsi.

Want to discussion more, feel free to reach out to us.